Outfit your department or staff with lab coats and scrubs that exude aptitude and professionalism.
Contact us now to get started. A group order specialist will respond via email.
Custom design - from 200 sets
Revise and add your logo - from 80 sets
Simply leave your information in the field above and one of our customer service representatives will be put in charge of seeing your order is fulfilled according to your specifications. Just want to learn a bit more about our company and who we are? Feel free to email us and we would be more than happy to connect.
People will embrace your hospital for taking the lead in being environmentally responsible by using HED+ products. The vast majority of hospital clothing is made by mixing cotton with synthetic fibers. After producing these fibers, they go through various chemical processes and machine washing to make them whiter before you wear them. That means that our products are better for your nurses and doctors as well as the patients they serve.
Depending on the quantity of your order, our products may be 20~40% more expensive than your average lower-grade scrubs. However, all of our apparel lasts twice as long as the average products in the market. While other hospital uniforms may be ordered annually, the superior stitching and quality fabrics we use mean you can use them at least twice as long without having to re-order them, saving you time and money.
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